Although it may seem as though you just have to sit back and wait for people to bid, running an auction company is not that easy. First off, the auction industry is extremely competitive. It seems like everyday there is a new online auction company selling similar items as you. Secondly, it takes a lot of time to effectively operate an auction company. From marketing to accounting and the actual auction events, it can be very time consuming. Lastly, it can be difficult to retain customers, as when a certain item is sold, customers may look elsewhere for a better price.
At InnovA Technologies, we understand the challenges that many auction companies face. That’s why we offer an auction management software to help take some of the stress out of operating an auction company. In this post, we explain some of the biggest challenges that auction companies face, and how an auction management software is a great solution to help streamline your business!
Marketing and website design
One thing many companies of every industry are challenged by is marketing. With more and more competitors joining the market, it can be hard to make your brand stand out online. This is especially true for auction companies as more and more digital companies continue to pop up.
Nowadays, there are many facets to marketing that are needed to drive bidders to your events. Without utilizing these tactics, it’s hard to find new customers and ultimately grow your brand. This is why marketing is so important for auction companies.
One way you can help your company stand out is by developing a well-designed and user-friendly website. Website design goes hand in hand with digital marketing, and the two together can help streamline your operations and grow your business! Luckily, our back office software comes with marketing services designed to help define your target audience, build a well designed website, and ultimately bring more bidders to your auctions!
Inventory is too big
Another thing auction companies are challenged by is disorganized inventory. From sales forecasting to accounting, having a disorganized inventory is an auction company nightmare, and it doesn’t take too long for this to happen.
Luckily, there are inventory management systems that auction companies can implement to help tackle these challenges! With inventory management, your company can cut back on costs, save you time, and ultimately streamline your profits!
Lastly, many auction companies struggle with accounting. There is a lot that goes into accounting that can sometimes cause challenges. From taxes, pending payments, clerking, invoice tracking and release tickets, information can easily be lost if not all handled in one place.
At InnovA, our auction management software comes with an easy to use accounting tool. We can create an export file that will link to your accounting software as well as an API used for automation.
Operating an auction company can be challenging, but it doesn’t need to be! With InnovA’s auction management software, you can start streamlining your business and increasing your profits, all while saving time and money. To learn more about our auction management software or to request a free demo, please visit our website today!