So you’ve prepared all you can for your upcoming auction. Now it’s time to start registering your bidders! During online live bidding auctions, bidders must register for the event. This registration process can become disorganized and hectic when not properly planned. Luckily, we know exactly how to make this easier for you!

At InnovA, we provide auction management software to help auction companies save time and money, and ultimately increase their profits. We offer inventory management, CRM, auction consulting, web design and many other services. But one feature of our auction management software that oftentimes gets overlooked is auction registration. Below, we explain how you can make your auction registration process easier with InnovA!

What should an auction registration process look like?

Several days prior to an auction, auction companies will open up a registration period in which bidders are able to register for the event, submit their payment and other information, and view the upcoming auction items. No bidder enjoys a long, complicated registration process. That is one of the main reasons why auction companies should try to make this as simple as possible.

How your company will benefit from InnovA’s auction registration services

With our back-end auction management software, we simplify this process for you! All of your new and existing buyers are able to easily register on your website, and you are able to customize the registration criteria as you wish!

Once a bidder creates an account, they will be taken to a buyer portal where they can view their past bidding activity as well as look around at your upcoming auction items. While your buyers do this, our software will consolidate all of this activity in an easy to view dashboard where you’ll be able to start learning more about your customers and current trends, which both will allow you to make proactive business decisions!

Within our auction registration software, we offer these following features:

Maximum bid amount

Bidders are able to input their maximum bid amount that they wish to use for this auction. Our system will then keep bidders in the running until their maximum bid amount is exceeded.


Our pre-bidding feature allows buyers to place bids on items up to seven days in advance of the online auction! Your customers don’t have to worry about accidentally missing out or forgetting about the auction! Our system will notify bidders when they are outbid, which they will then be able to place a higher bid. In an event in which a buyer wins, they will also be notified and the item will be sent over to them in their buyer portal!


Lastly, your potential buyers will be able to add auction items to a watchlist in which they will be continually updated on! Our system will notify buyers of any changes with a certain item they have watchlisted, such as new offers coming in, sellers reducing their auction prices or if items are sold before the auction event!

Although it doesn’t seem like a lot of work, keeping all of your auction registration information organized and on hand is hard. This is why we started our company, to help auction companies save valuable time and money! With InnovA, you will be able to learn more about our customers, give your buyers more opportunities and features and ultimately make your registration process easier! Visit our website to learn more about our auction registration and management software!